Part-time jobs have become increasingly popular during the last decade, and particularly so during the last 5 years; the financial crisis has led to fewer full time job positions, as more part-time jobs filled the market and employers looked to cut hours.
Part-time jobs provide many people with the flexibility they need; never have we as a nation been so busy, and full time jobs (with weekly hours of 35 plus) can be too demanding for people that have extensive outside commitments. In particular, part-time jobs prove popular amongst mothers, students and younger people.
The pay for part-time jobs does vary from industry to industry, however they are generally lower paid than full time positions. Generally this jobs market consists mostly of bar, restaurant and other manual jobs; however any industry can have the need for part time workers.
Additionally there may be people that look for part time work as a means to gaining full time employment in the future; they may see promotion at the end of a set term, or may even apply for positions once another person has left.
For those that are in full time education, part time work is nothing short of an essential; this is particularly true of university students, who often find that once they start university, their grant and student loan isn’t enough to cover even their rent. In these instances part time work is perfect as it fits in with what can be a stringent study routine.
Whilst employers have differing rules on pay and holiday, they must all follow UK law. In terms of pay rates, for those that are 21 and over the minimum wage rate is £6.31; for 18-20 year olds the rate is £5.03 and for under 18s the rate is £3.72.
Part-time jobs provide flexibility to both employer and the employee; for a business they can ensure that certain, peak times of their business operations are covered, and the employee can benefit from more hours to commit to tasks such as running their household and looking after children. Additionally they offer an all important door to the possibility of full time employment; and can equip younger people with the skills they need for the world of full time employment.